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Pantone Color Systems and UX/UI

Jose Moya
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Pantone Color Systems for UX/UI

Pantone has been a staple in the printing and design industry for over 50 years. But many people don't know that Pantone is also a driving force in UX/UI Design driving force. Pantone's trend forecasts set the tone for how designers should apply color in their work. This article will unfold Pantone's impact on UX/UI design and see if its forecast suits the industry. Let's dive in!

What is Pantone?

Pantone (Pantone Matching System) is an American company focused on color management. It helps to build color tones to develop a certain number of colors used in diverse fields. These fields can go from the designing and printing industries to home decorating. It helps people to find the right and innovative color for their projects. It aims to create color methodologies exceeding conventional CMYK and RGB systems. This approach cause designers to surpass limits to using base ones to create new colors. It has led to obtaining colors we'd never thought could go through printing!

How does Pantone work?

As mentioned, its operational process contains the PMS method. It categorizes over 1,100 colors by giving them numbers and names. This facet allows distinguishment. While locations can refer to the same color, numbers don't. Tones, backgrounds, and materials are part of what classifies them. Further, Pantone does extensive research and testing to see how different industries react. That's why it has a robust worldwide reputation. But how do they choose the year's color?

Without a doubt, that's the most required question. Yet, there's tons of background to reach each year's conclusion. The process takes almost nine months! It starts by holding a secret meeting with possible options among international spokespeople. They place all ideas related to +2,000 colors to decide. Pantone's standard includes vibrant colors for all the industries it counts on. Here, it assesses how colors will impact society, users, and businesses. Then, it instructs a legacy to tell a story by looking at its tones. This thought resembles what Pantone needs to choose a color. It finds out if this "possible" color sends a message without numbers or letters applied to it. Once decided, it starts planning how to use this color in the coming seasons and fields.

When was Pantone created?

The first time the world saw Pantone's industry was in 1962. It began as a small business associated with color cards for cosmetics. During this time, one of their employees, Lawrence Herbert, bought the company. He was a cosmetic chemist working in the company since 1956. Once he got Pantone's direction, he started changing paths to match colors. This system resulted in the first color-matching system we knew today as PMS in 1963.

He aimed to change the enterprise's course to create something never seen before. He started by creating a department for the first color-matching system. Using his experience, Herbert minded a way to lessen the method of printing colorations. These covered all the ones that constituted 60 to ten pigments to examine. Then, he could create "recipes" for printers to follow to get steady consequences.

This technique allowed designers to make designs fit the production stage while printing. Here, IT guaranteed an innovative way graphic designers could adopt. That's why as time passed, it gained popularity among creative fields. It changed how inter-editors and printing companies adjust color perspectives.

Pantone Color Systems and UX/UI Design

What is the Role of Pantone in UI/UX Design?

As we mentioned, Pantone plays an integral role in design. And, of course, its part extends to UX/UI Design. Its influence becomes remarkable when selecting a perfect color palette for a project. Its ability standardizes colors across different devices and media. Further, its color systems use flares for digital and print projects. As a result, colors look consistent and genuine across platforms. Besides, it's vital to ensure polished outcomes. PMS matches Pantone colors when creating custom products. So, regardless of format, consistency will be there throughout.

Beyond selecting colors, it helps design appealing and effective UX. By choosing Pantone color palettes, designers can create emotionally-driven designs. This outcome relates to evoking emotions or connections with target audiences. For example, blue and green might evoke feelings of calmness or serenity. In contrast, red may be the choice to grab attention or draw focus. Pantone can also help create visual hierarchies within websites or applications. Due to it, developers can launch prominent content that stands out. As a result, the User Experience is more enjoyable for all parties involved.

By understanding its role in UX/UI design, designers can take full advantage of its abilities. This take creates breathtaking experiences that resonate with intended audiences. Pantone also ensures consistency across many platforms as well as an accurate representation. Professionals can make their designs look fabulous, no matter the presentation.

How to Apply Pantone to UX/UI Design?

Over the years, Pantone has become widely known among diverse industries. Still, many users don't understand entirely how its principles can apply to UX/UI Design. That's why it's essential to have some basics to enjoy its features. The best way to know about it is by describing the different steps it counts on. These stages enclose the following elements:

1. Pantone and RBG/CMYK

This mistake is one of the first ones designers make. Some tend to use it as a guide for printing and other uses. But these trends also influence how devices display their designs. The first step is thinking outside the box and leaving your imagination flying! In contrast, RGB systems can be more understandable than printing methods. Thus, colors can evoke the same feelings in both digital and printed products. By doing this, the processes apply throughout the design world, including UX/UI design.

2. Pantone Matching System (PMS)

This step compares print and digital versions to see how designs go. Yet, the result would be a very close but different feeling. The idea of this is not limiting our minds to the printed version. Opening our imagination to enjoy both versions is what allows users to apply it to UX/UI! Here is where PMS offers different variants on websites or mobile devices. Its methods provide users with several options to match their ideas.

3. Pantone Marketing Principles

Marketers can apply Pantone's annual color to maintain color schemes in this scenario. With this process, designers can expand the ideas brought to life. Due to it, they can remake designs from computers they'd never thought to print. It's pretty helpful to apply concepts without worrying about possible future publishing.

Thee Impact of Pantone Color of the Year (COTY)?

It's no secret that Pantone impacts the world in more ways than people consider. To better understand its effects, we must consider its influence in the fields below:

Pantone's Impact on Society

Colors affect the human brain in a myriad of ways. Pantone knows it, and its color choices have a scientific backup to evoke specific emotions. An example of it is Pantone 18-3943, Blue Iris. The color provokes refreshing and calming feelings. Others, like, Pantone 19-4052 TCX Classic Blue, are creative, spiritual, and reflective. When used in the right way, Pantone's colors can create positive User Experiences. Its societal impact comes from the mind and the heart. Further, it captures ideas, making words less necessary to tell stories.

Pantone's Impact on Design

As we mention, the company impacts various aspects of the design world. Pantone can advise designers on many layout elements by only choosing colors. Plus, it suggests recommendations on layout, graphics, product packaging, and branding materials. These tools make work more manageable for designers. Also, they can help make robust and successful UX/UI. Yet, Pantone's choices also result from a correlational relation with design spheres.

Pantone's Impact on Business

Pantone provides invaluable resources for companies aiming to take the trends' lead. This alliance comes in handy with color in product design and marketing initiatives. Here, ventures can use data-driven insights about changing trends to fit costumer's behavior. Hence, it's a remarkable resource when developing products or campaigns. As a result, businesses can stay competitive by following trend cycles.

Pantone's Color of the Year vs Color Theory

Pantone has tremendously influenced UX/UI design over the last few years. Its color trends have created an intersection between fashion, art, and design. Besides, it covers what all UX/UI designers must consider for their projects. It's a great place for professionals to start when building digital experiences. Pantone also overlaps with color theory principles. It shows how specific colors evoke emotions or respond to user needs and behaviors. This approach helps designers to create powerful visuals that engage their audiences.

For example, Color of the Year 2019, Living Coral, leaned on color theory. The reasoning behind it was its bridges the gap between people and nature. This color embodied our desire for cheerful expression in our everyday lives. Further, this shade relates to feelings of comfort and joyfulness. That's why its annual color can assist in creating more inviting UIs. Of course, with a proper mixture of UX/UI design and following its rules.

Why is Pantone Important to UX/UI Design?

Pantone is crucial in UX/UI design due to creativity and diversity. It provides essential colors and hues for any product's visual look and feel. Besides, it gives universal standards for color reproduction for designers and companies. This criterion enhances consistent representation beyond of surface or device. As a result, UX/UI design colors are consistent across all devices. Further, it helps to identify shade to share emotions or messages. Also, there are some Pantone-approved products. Some of them are Pantone Plus Series Chips and Pantone Color Bridge Set. These allow for designing products with greater accuracy and quality.

Aside from its accuracy and consistency, Pantone is also an excellent tool. Designers feel comfortable using it for trend-forecasting projects. Likewise, its Color of the Year announcement is quite expected. The main reason is that it helps to stay ahead and set trends before they become mainstream. In consequence, brands have unique-innovative colors to stand out from competitors. Additionally, Pantone publishes several books each year with several curated color palettes. With these, designers can access themes and tones for creating inspiring user interfaces.

Final Thoughts

Pantone has been a long-standing authority on color trends since we started seeing it. Many industries use its PMS to ensure an accurate color display. In the UX/UI design world, Pantone's effect is perceivable in web and app design. Its annual color reports often set the tone for the year ahead. This announcement covers colors in everything, from fashion to product packaging! That's why only time can tell how it will continue to impact more than UX/UI design.


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