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Product Development Lifecycle Management

Estefania Teixeira
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Product Development Life Cycle Management

Lifecycle Management encloses a product's all aspects, from concept to possible decline. This complex process requires effort and time. Further, the process bears a strong resemblance to a job structure. It takes an introduction, development, and conclusion.

Yet, this conclusion is also the start of its implementation, a new commercial stage. That's why it's essential to know the steps and procedures of this management in depth. Are you ready to know them?

What is Product Lifecycle Management?

Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) spans the entire development procedure. Some of its fundamental aspects are design, manufacturing, sales, and even retirement. In a full-innovation context, these processes help companies rise and succeed. Moreover, they allow rapid and affordable product development.

Three principles influence this work and strategies and enhance products' prosperity. The first is universal usability, including certified security and product definition management. The second relates to the product's integrity preservation.

Plus, this stage encloses any cycle-related information. And the third one is business process maintenance. Here, the focus is on developing, managing, and sharing said data.

PLM lets companies face the complexity and challenges of new product development. Further, it's one of the four pillars of IT structure. It gives designers and developers alike control over needed data.

By linking CAD data to ERP systems, it streamlines management processes. As a result, it's easier for them to access information from external sources. Product Lifecycle Management is a source of trust among business stakeholders and vendors.

Stages of Product Lifecycle Management

Companies measure the stages of a product's life cycle by studying its progress. Thus, an in-depth analysis is vital to increase the product's useful life. In this context, there are four main stages for Product Lifecycle Management. These are:

1. Product Development

The product is in its first phase here. Hence, there's yet to be competition and profit. Given the high development costs, it's recommendable to research its Minimum Viable Product. Yet, this phase also encloses the product's conception. At this point, research, design, and prototyping are the main focuses. Also, Product Managers should conduct the respective market research.

2. Product Growth

After the product is ready, it's time to put it on the market. This work stage is capable of defining the success of the product. Here, the challenge is to establish priorities. Some focuses include pricing, strategy, features, and pipeline. At this point, the idea is to gain market share, aiming that demand doesn't outpace supply.

3. Product Maturity

After launching, it's normal to see a distinct decrease in growth. That's why this stage is the longest for product success. At this level, marketing strategies focus on differentiating the product from others. Here, several techniques exist, such as new product launches or features upgrade. The idea is to maximize profits through cost reduction. Furthermore, it's relevant to maximize the maturity phase.

4. Product Decline

This phase is one of the scariest ones. Moreover, a large percentage of companies go through it. Some products may last longer than others, but there are some reasons for a decline. Examples include tech changes, product innovation, and societal needs shifts.

At this stage, the role of a Product Manager becomes vital to avoid market mistakes and premature decline. Whether it's months or years, all products reflect a specific context. Thus, awareness of the product's features is vital to recognizing its stage. PMs can use different tools to measure growth, trends, competitors, and pricing.

What is End-to-End Product Lifecycle Management?

End-to-End PLM focuses on the maturity stage. While development is vital, maturity stages define the general outcome. Hence, it's the start of market-relates scenarios. Since competition begins, brand differentiation takes the lead in product conquest.

As commercial offer rises, so makes the company's demand. So, the goal is to avoid the product's decline. Hence, end-to-end PLM focuses on extending the product's maturity as long as possible. For it, it needs to consider several diverse factors into consideration. Besides tech innovations and societal changes, analyzing market saturation is vital.

Here lies the practical use of all prior data visualization. Understanding users, behaviors, and preferences help teams with what audiences want. As a result, companies can blend the product's strengths with users' ever-changing desires. This analysis will enhance the right paths to re-establish new maturity stages.

How to Manage the Product Lifecycle?

There are many techniques companies can follow for success forecasting. Each business fits different procedures. These adapt to companies' processes, timelines, and pipelines. Still, there is a list of interconnected practices for PLM processes. These are:

1. Dedicated PLM Teams. A good from-scratch technique is adding a work team dedicated to sustainable processes. These teams would handle the operations and their outcomes, focusing on strategy.

2. Business Frameworks. In this practice, ventures analyze each cycle's metric and data to highlight efficiency.

3. Management Priorities. For successful PLMs, it's vital to have in-depth knowledge of the company's strategy. Hence, it's essential to channel relevant measurements to dev actions. The focus is on performance.

4. PLM-focused Planning. In this approach, Lifecycle Management relates to decision-making. The result of analyses embeds into future practices for companies and their stakeholders.

The Future of Product Lifecycle Management

In the short term, there are many things we can expect from PLM. Some of the most relevant include product time acceleration and tools optimization. Also, tech advances are (and will be) quite helpful for risk reduction.

A predominant trend is the integration of PLM in all work teams. Successful outcomes need good teamwork and alliances with different departments. These collaborations can go from development to marketing teams. This approach allows organizational understanding of goals and processes. Also, it helps to improve innovation and productivity.

Another fad relates to data visualization. Rising tools will be quite the asset for a more profound analysis of users, products, and markets. Beyond data platforms, this trend includes techs like Machine Learning and Augmented Reality. As a result, received data will be more integral and easy to narrow, track, and follow its effects.


PLM boosts development processes through innovation and collaboration. Further, it enhances growth through user-demand-related planning. We are in the digital transformation era! It's no secret that product development has a substantial role in our lives. Hence, Product Lifecycle Management is vital for business success and stability.


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