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Software Architecture in Product Development

Estefania Teixeira
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Software Architecture for Product Development

Software architecture is quite relevant for web and app development. Do you know the modalities and patterns of software architecture? The development of the digital world encompasses many problems and can be complex. Software creation is only the beginning. This occurs because complexities begin when needs appear. Further, it contains the implementation of necessary new functionalities.

For this reason, choosing a suitable action method is essential. This choice fits all the pieces and thus gets scalable results. It's about finding the perfect software architecture diagram for a product. We'll address the most basic concepts to those of great relevance today. We'll cover the most asked questions on the subject. And also why we should indoctrinate our goals on this method. 

What is Architecture in Software Development?

The primary mission of developers is to analyze users' needs and create solutions for them. These solutions aim to optimize audiences' lives. In this context, software architecture is one of the main tools to shape solutions. It allows them to build programs and acts as a guide to meet the required demands.

Front End Development and Software Architecture

Front-end development involves translating and integrating information into graphical interfaces. This way, users can interact with embodied data using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Over time, frameworks such as React and Angular have been added. With these frameworks, architectural practices have improved. Further, many patterns have been added to front-end projects.

As a result, there are several types of Software Architecture. Some examples are Modular, Microfrontends, Components, Unidirectional, and Management State. Currently, platforms such as WordPress and Magento contribute to front-end development. These tools allow the development of scalable digital spaces with great design.

Quality Assurance and Software Architecture

Quality Assurance is an important area for this type of architecture. It handles evaluating the final product quality developed from various software. That's why it's necessary to establish verification and quality assurance plans. In this continuous analysis, all data that arise are considered. Statistical methods improve the quality of products and even processes. Ultimately, both are quality control processes.

DevOps and Software Architecture  

Software Architecture is closely related to DevOps. This forms a set of practices intertwined with Software Development. The primary goal of this series of rules is to speed up development cycles. Further, it helps to drive continuous quality delivery. DevOps translates as a complementary practice to agile software.

The main task is to track the construction of the software. In a few words, it contemplates functions like integration, testing, and deployment. Applying these functions allow internalizing development cycles in less time. At the same time, it establishes more optimal launches. As a result, it aligns with commercial goals.

What is Software Architecture?

Software Architecture receives this name because it resembles building plans. These digital plans show software edges, interactions, and operations. This type of architecture emphasizes other aspects beyond algorithms and computational data.

The concept started with Edsger Dijkstra, a great computer scientist. Little by little, it got integrated into the new era. In 1990, it took a large margin of popularity after the software crisis. Currently, it’s at the top of the pyramid of software engineering. Patterns and abstractions form Software Architecture. These interact with each other within a defined framework. Also, it’s based on constraints and objectives.

Furthermore, it’s also responsible for determining the product’s components in a computational process. Fun fact, each software architecture must be able to be implemented in physical architectures. 

How does Software Architecture Work?

The creation and development processes are the most fundamental when talking about software. To conceive a software architecture, it's necessary to follow five main steps. First, teams should channel main objectives, and then think carefully about its components. After executing a split of the architecture, teams should delve into creating their own prototype. The last step is to select and quantify non-functional requirements.

It is relevant to establish fundamental principles to keep the mind focused on the aim is relevant. You can follow some recommendations like consider constraints and interfaces and avoiding choosing patterns a sketch just set .

Any software architecture design is most effective when there is a plan involved. Constant practical inputs and suitable approaches are perfect for outlining requirements. Don't limit the initial preparation! Remember that the base will be the solid foundation for your project.

1, Layers of Multi-Tier Architecture 

Multi-Tier Architecture focuses on the client-server. Moreover, it handles presentation, data management, and application processing. The most common model of this architecture is the 3-tier one. When developing a tiered application, developers can change or insert a specific tier. Generally, a 3-tier architecture has a presentation, a data tier, and a logical tier. Moreover, each layer has a logical structure for each of those elements. As a result, all these are part of the final software solution. 

2. Modular Design Architecture 

When designing an application, companies often focus on customer experience, usability, and design. In this sense, they tend to omit the quality of codes. Further, they can fail to highlight concepts like scalability and sustainability. This is where the importance of modular design in software architecture lies. This design allows the application to be divided into many modules. Each module is characterized by single responsibilities and unique functional behavior. These also enclose the possibility of changing its interior without modifying the exterior.

This technique allows to fragment of significant problems and translates them into small segments. With it, each module is authentic, and the deficiency of one does not affect the other. As a result, it provides a better maintenance system. Besides, it helps to parallelize development from the leading technical base. In technical terms, this design follows the well-known SOLID principles.

3. Monolithic Application Architecture 

Monolithic Application is one of the most common practices today. This is a unified, totally autonomous model. In this case, the functions and components are coupled, being modular design's opposite. As a result, all relevant components must be present for the software to run. This model has large code bases and is often considerable. When it comes to administration, the process is often cumbersome. When updating an element, it must be done generally to recompile and test. Usually, the development of a monolithic structure is easy at first. 

Moreover, having a single code base simplifies records, performance, and management activities. In short, this type of approach fits perfectly with light and simple applications. It may be a complex architecture to understand. Yet, many applications today still keep this approach.

Software Architecture Views and Models

Each development model requires different models and views, and that's why there are at least three essential views. First, we have static views, which describe the architecture's components. Second, we have dynamic views that channels components' behavior and interaction. Lastly, there are functional views, in which each component’s functions are defined.

What Comes After Software Architecture?

Software Architecture is a career that opens many professional and high-level professional doors. Closely related to it, there are job positions like Data Architect, Senior Architect, and Business Architect. Further, there is also Engineer Software, Leading Software Developer, Director of Software Development. For an Architect in any of the mentioned areas, aspects like administration, development, maintenance, and management are vital. In a few words, you must be in charge of creating a complete and generalized roadmap. At the same time, you must look for the safest, uncomplicated, and practical processes.

What is the role of Software Architecture?

Software Architecture plays a vital role in development due to its structuring system. Its processes include various methodologies. These methods allow the creation of development states that guarantee products' quality. Further, these processes act as guides to achieving higher performance.

Do Software Architects Write Code?

According to common opinion, architects should focus on the code base rather than the coding itself. Architects who spend too much time coding can lose sight of latent problems. This way, the professional would adopt an ineffective capacity before managing technical risks.

Why is Software Architecture Important?

Software Architecture's processes are like the foundations to support a real-life building. If foundations and structures are poorly designed, the entire building can collapse. This is a clear example of the importance of these practices. The system's lack of good quality and principles could cause serious consequences. These consequences apply to both organizational levels and final users. This architecture’s relevance is centered on the advantages it can generate. Among these strengths, some of its highlights are:

● Scalability
● Quality increase
● Solid Foundation
● Greater Adaptability
● Duplication Avoiding
● Performance Increase
● Reduction of Costs and Time
● Guarantee of Good Technology
● Easy Detection of Possible Problems
● Simplicity for Changes' Execution
● Improvement in Risk Management
● Higher Priority to Conflicts

These benefits are highly relevant to product manager software architecture. So, companies must have sound information systems. In this way, they'll be able to achieve organizational goals and evolve within the changing market.


As it’s possible to appreciate, Software Architecture is key to development nowadays. Software and its processes go hand in hand with digitization and programming languages. All the concepts above create an indispensable chain for digital ideals' conception. This ranges from the creation of different algorithms to the structuring of data.


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