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Microservices for Infrastructure Performance

Valentina Gomez
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Microservices in Infrastructure Performance

Microservices architecture is becoming more popular daily, but why should you care? This blog post will explain them and when to use them in your infrastructure. We will also provide some best practices for working with microservices. Let's get into it right away!

What are Microservices?

In microservices, software elements work as independent services that work to achieve a common goal. Each service has a task and interacts with other services using defined interfaces. This approach makes developing, scaling, and maintaining large, complex applications more accessible. In short, it's a Software Architecture path that clusters entire applications as individual services, communicating with other services through APIs.

Further, Microservices' features include:

1. Microservices Decentralization. Instead of a monolithic architecture, microservices are decentralized. The microservices architecture allows services to update and scale without affecting the entire system.

2. Microservices Autonomy. At an operational complexity, microservices are independent, which enables individual development and testing. That shortens service changes without impacting the whole system.

3. Microservices Diversity. Microservices are known for allowing technology diversity. That enables devs to use different programming languages, coding frameworks, and Database Management. It means that the best technology gets chosen for each service. As a result, you can use more than a single technology stack.

4. Microservices Delivery. This type of architecture is perfect for Continuous Delivery (CD). That ensures the quick and safe deployment of changes in production.

How to Use Microservices?

You must follow some steps and best practices to put microservices in place. Let's see them!

1. Start with a monolith. To avoid unneeded difficulty, build a monolithic application and break it into microservices. That validates your business idea and sets your system's key capabilities,

2. Organize your teams. Microservices need a different organization than other types of software development. You must create small teams for deployment and operations.

3. Set Service Boundaries. One of the main challenges is deciding how to split your application into services. Use domain-driven principles to find your limits and create services based on them. Also, planning your APIs is important so different services can work together.

4. Choose your Tech Stack. Microservices let teams choose technologies based on their needs. Yet, a diverse environment may increase complexity and need more operational work. You should use common protocols for communication and integration among services.

5. Enforce Proper Patterns. New problems need specific ways of handling them in microservices. For example, you should use circuit breakers and timeouts to handle network failures. As well as use sagas or event sourcing to make sure the data’s consistent.

6. Test and Deploy. Microservices need a different way of testing and deployment than monolithic applications. To test each service by itself and others, use automated testing tools and frameworks. Also, use Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Deployment (CD) pipelines to build, test, and deploy your services! To manage your benefits in different environments, use containerization and orchestration platforms.

When to use Microservices?

Microservices can offer many benefits, but they also come with some drawbacks. So they're not a silver bullet for every project; you should use them cautiously. Some scenarios where microservices can be a good choice are when the app needs to handle big changing workloads or when many teams work on different parts of an application. The latter becomes especially relevant when they need to be independent in their development and deployment cycles.

Microservices are also helpful when an app needs different techs and uses several languages, frameworks, or tools. Also, they can be the solution for when the application must be running at all times because a service line can fail without affecting the others.

Nonetheless, there are some scenarios where microservices can be a wrong choice. The first is when the application is simple and can work as a single unit or a few modules. Also, microservices can be inefficient if you have a small team with no skills or resources to handle them.

If devs must share updates across many services with constant integrations, microservices may not be the best idea. This also applies when the product needs to be fast or work without errors. These products often use less internet or keep all their data in sync.

Why are Microservices Important?

Microservices are a new approach to building software. It's better than older ways of building software because code is more independent. For example, if there is an issue in one service, it won't crash or affect other parts of the application. As a result, there are no single points of failure. 

Additionally, individual microservices can scale out to provide extra availability and capacity. DevOps teams can also add new microservices to the app without affecting other parts. In short, it's easier to add new features and functionality to it. In short, they are an excellent tool for modern software development!


Building microservices applications is a hot topic in software development and architecture. It has many benefits, such as handling more work and fixing mistakes better. It also simplifies the codebase and encourages experimentation. We'll see more progress and new ideas as more businesses use this method. The future of microservices looks promising, so it will be fascinating to see how business capabilities will thrive!


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