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5 MERN Stack Project Ideas

5 Ideas for MERN Stack Project

The MERN Stack is undoubtedly one of the best for building full-stack projects. Its wide array goes from mobile applications to modern web applications. It encompasses some of the most cutting-edge and powerful techs. MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, and Node.js provide all the tools you need to make scalable apps. Plus, they make it easy to ensure they're SEO-optimized and user-friendly. Hence, the apps you build with them have a seamless, secure, and reliable performance. Are you looking to upgrade your portfolio and wow some IT recruiters? Let's dive into some fantastic projects with the second most trending and popular 2022 Web Development stack!

MERN Stack Project Ideas and Topics

That's one of the most common questions among developers. Even if you're an experienced developer, you'll struggle to land a job without suitable projects in your portfolio. So, we've decided to write this short guide with highly marketable project ideas. Let's see some of them!

1. Building an eCommerce MERN Website

Having an e-commerce website is something easy that every full-stack dev should have in their portfolio. Chances are that you won't be able to make something like Amazon or eBay if you're a junior developer. Nonetheless, you can focus on adding the main functionalities of e-commerce websites, like search bars, shopping carts, and responsiveness. You can also add SSL security and payment gateways, like PayPal or Stripe. 

An e-commerce platform in your portfolio shows companies that you can build reliable web apps. Plus, it will let recruiters know you are comfortable with full-stack development. Looking for an example? You can dive into our KÜHL showcase!

2. Creating a FinTech MERN Project

The FinTech industry has risen undeniably over the last few years. As a matter of fact, investments in this field went over 200 Billion dollars in 2021! In that same year, Stripe reached 95 Billion dollars in total value. As you might have guessed, there's an increasing demand for FinTech solutions. That's why having a Fintech project in your portfolio adds excellent worth!

Yet, building FinTech apps may be too much for a single person. Since they can be quite complex and advanced, it often takes whole dedicated teams to achieve quality. But, behold! While trading apps and digital wallets can be great for more experienced developers, a personal finance app can be an efficient solution for all skill levels. A few things to consider when creating your first FinTech app, starting with user registration, user authentication, and notifications integration. You can also add transaction categorization and saving goals, depending on the scope you'd like to take. 

Do you want some inspo? Take a look at our success cases! While BITA focuses on systematic investments, Showcast is a perfect solution for modern content creators.

3. Developing an EdTech Platform with MERN

The EdTech field has also been growing exponentially. Moreover, analysts estimate its value will reach over 400B dollars by 2025! As a result, and like with FinTech, there is higher demand, and likewise, it would be smart to have one on your portfolio. 

Yet, there's no need to overwhelm yourself trying to add a bunch of complex features! You can focus on the basics, like data validation, content uploading, and sending messages. If you're comfortable with that, you can add more features, such as progress tracking or authentication. While it's not a full MERN Stack project, you can check the process of building Wurrly's platform to see the versatility of combining React.js and Node.js.

4. Creating a MERN-based Videogame

There's literally no chance you do not want at least one video game! Also, investing time in building something you love and enjoy is a wonderful idea. Building games allows you to have fun doing something you like. In the meantime, you grow professionally. If so, you can choose an existing and relatively simple game. This way, you don't have to worry about the rules and specifics of the game. You can jump directly into the UI and functionalities you already know. You can start simple with options like Tetris and Snake. Moreover, the React.js official page offers a Tic Tac Toe tutorial!

5. Building a Portfolio Website with MERN Stack

Now, you have at least four excellent project ideas. It's time to showcase them on your MERN stack developer's website! You can play with design styles and animations to depict your personality and show your creative process here. Plus, you can use it to include general information about you. That can be your hobbies, education, and background. Like the other projects, feel free to play around with the complexity level. Some pages typically include a homepage, an about and project pages, and a contact form. The contact form page allows you to show you can work with email integrations and other external APIs. That's something potential clients need to run their businesses!

Final Thoughts

Building projects like these will allow you to demonstrate your skills in application development environments. Ultimately, keep in mind that you don't need to build the five projects to be able to apply for a job; there's a wide range of possibilities, from weather apps to real-time chats and social media apps! Having two or three projects with a great User Experience/User Interface is more than enough to prove your skills as a Full-Stack Web Developer. Are you applying for IT-related jobs? Don't forget to check our post about IT Interview questions!